Legal Notices – December 18, 2024

CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL: The City Council of Annandale, Minnesota, met for a regular meeting on September 9, 2024, at 6:30 PM at the City Council Chambers. Mayor Jonas called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM.
City Council present: Czycalla, Honsey, Wuollet, Grundy and Jonas. Also present were Administrator Hinnenkamp, Community Development Director Thunander, Public Works Director Haller, Police Chief Standafer, Asst Engineer Nick Peterson, the Annandale Advocate and members of the public.
SET AGENDA: A motion was made by Wuollet and seconded by Honsey to adopt the agenda as presented.
All motions are approved unanimously unless otherwise noted.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A motion was made by Honsey and seconded by Czycalla to adopt the minutes of the August 12, 2024 and August 20, 2024 meetings as presented.
Wright Homes: Wright homes informed Council that he purchased the lot on Cedar Court to build a home. He was aware that he needed to connect to the sewer and water mains in the street, but because of the water table, he was not expecting the amount of expense to dewater the site to connect. Wright requested the Council consider sharing in the cost of dewatering or consider waiving SAC/WAC fees due to the unexpected cost of dewatering needed to connect to the City’s water and sewer system. Mayor Jonas noted that sharing in the cost has not been common practice of the City. Staff confirmed that this is an expense that is the responsibility of the property owners connecting to the City’s infrastructure. Wright asked if the City would consider a shared service line. Public Works Director Haller stated that is not the City’s policy to allow shared lines. Council took no action on the request.
CONSENT AGENDA: A motion was made by Honsey and seconded by Czycalla to adopt the consent agenda as presented. Items approved included:
A. Approve Auditing Claims
B. Approve Departments Reports
C. Approve Pay Apps
D. Approve Quotes for Compost Site Grinding
E. Approve Columbarium Contract
F. Approve Request from Lake John Association for Installation of Cleaning Station
G. Approve Resolutions 24-56 Declaring Assessment Roll- Delinquent Account, 24-57 Declaring Assessment Roll- 2024 Improvement, 24-58 Calling Hearing on Assessments for 2024 Improvement, 24-59 Calling Hearing for Delinquent Assessments, 24-60 Calling Hearings for Lu’s Café Special Assessments
H. Approve Special Events- Spilled Grain Oktoberfest and Chamber- Downtown Trick or Treat
I. Approve Delta Insurance Renewal
J. Approve Resolution 24-61 Accepting Donation- Fahey
K. Approve Resolution 24-62 Assignment of Bruggeman TIF
Review ATV Ordinance- Staff reviewed the changes made to the Ordinance. A motion was made by Czycalla and seconded by Honsey to call a public hearing for October 14, 2024 on the proposed ordinance amendment.
Dog Park Updates- Staff informed Council that there was a meeting with Wright County Parks staff. They proposed a joint project at the Clearwater Pleasant Park east of the existing parking lot. If the Council would be willing to consider a joint project, staff will work with the County to develop an agreement regarding costs and maintenance of the improvements. A motion was made by Honsey and seconded by Czycalla to pursue a joint project with the County.
Review Draft of Cannabis Ordinance Amendments- A motion was made by Grundy and seconded by Honsey to direct the Planning Commission to consider zoning amendments related to the sale of Cannabis.
Resolution 24-63 Approving Preliminary Levy, Resolution 24-64 Abating Levy, Approving Budget and setting TNT Hearing- A motion was made by Wuollet and seconded by Honsey to approve Resolutions 24-63 and 24-64, Approve the Preliminary Budget and Set the TNT Hearing date for December 9, 2024. ROLL CALL: Ayes: Honsey, Wuollet, Czycalla, Grundy, Jonas. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None. Resolution 24-63 and 24-64 adopted on a 5-aye, 0-nay, 0- absent, 0-abstain vote.
Resolution 24-65 Approving Plans and Specs and Authorizing Bids- Hwy 55- A motion was made by Grundy and seconded by Wuollet to approve Resolution 24-65 Approving Plans and Spec and Authorizing Bids for the Highway 55 Utility Work. ROLL CALL: Ayes: Honsey, Wuollet, Czycalla, Grundy, Jonas. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None. Resolution 24-65 adopted on a 5-aye, 0-nay, 0-absent, 0-abstain vote.
Resolution 24-66 Cooperative Agreement with MnDot- A motion was made by Czycalla and seconded by Grundy to approve Resolution 24-66 Cooperative Agreement with MnDot. ROLL CALL: Ayes: Honsey, Wuollet, Czycalla, Grundy, Jonas. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None. Resolution 24-66 adopted on a 5-aye, 0-nay, 0-absent, 0-abstain vote.
Grundy received concerns regarding the tree removal at Brian Bruggeman’s Apartment Project. Staff can follow up on this.
Czycalla shared that the Youth First Fundraiser at Southbrook was held Saturday and it went well. Jonas shared the Care Center Gala is scheduled for September 14th.
Moved by Wuollet and seconded by Honsey to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM.
Kelly Hinnenkamp,
City Administrator

(published in the annandale advocate wednesday, december 18, 2024)

CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL: The City Council of Annandale, Minnesota, met for a regular meeting on October 14, 2024, at 6:30 PM at the City Council Chambers. Mayor Jonas called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM.
City Council present: Czycalla, Honsey, Wuollet, Grundy and Jonas. Also present were Administrator Hinnenkamp, Community Development Director Thunander, Public Works Director Haller, Police Chief Standafer, Fire Chief Townsend, Asst Engineer Nick Peterson, the Annandale Advocate and members of the public.
SET AGENDA: Staff requested Item 9F- Calling a Special Meeting was added under New Business. A motion was made by Honsey and seconded by Wuollet to adopt the agenda with additions. The motion carried unanimously.
All motions are approved unanimously unless otherwise noted.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion by Grundy and seconded by Czycalla to table the minutes.
Resolution 24-67 Adopting Assessments- 2024 Improvement Project- Mayor Jonas opened the hearing at 6:37pm. The following public input was provided:
Janell Dezell, 28 Willow Drive West- Was pleased with the contractor and the project, but expressed concerns with the subcontractor that did the paving work.
Ron Bostrom, 20 Willow Circle- Said his driveway was just seeded and had concerns that it would take. Haller explained he was concerned as well, but spoke to the contractor and they said the conditions are good for the seed to lay dormant and then germinate in the Spring. Additionally he added this would be corrected if the seed does not come up in the spring.
The public hearing was closed at 6:42pm. A motion was made by Czycalla and seconded by Honsey to adopt Resolution Certifying Assessments for the 2024 Improvement Project. ROLL CALL: Ayes: Honsey, Czycalla, Grundy, Wuollet, Jonas. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None. Resolution 24-67 adopted on a 5-aye, 0-nay, 0-absent, 0-abstain vote.
Resolution 24-68 Adopting Assessments- Delinquent Accounts- Mayor Jonas opened the hearing at 6:43pm. After hearing no public comment the hearing was closed at 6:44pm. A motion was made by Grundy and seconded by Wuollet to adopt Resolution Certifying Assessments for Delinquent Accounts as presented. ROLL CALL: Ayes: Honsey, Czycalla, Grundy, Wuollet, Jonas. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None. Resolution 24-68 adopted on a 5-aye, 0-nay, 0-absent, 0- abstain vote.
Resolution 24-69 Adopting Assessments- Lu’s Café- Mayor Jonas opened the hearing at 6:44pm. After hearing no public comment the hearing was closed at 6:45pm. A motion was made by Grundy and seconded by Wuollet to adopt Resolution Certifying Assessments for Lu’s Cafe as presented. ROLL CALL: Ayes: Honsey, Czycalla, Grundy, Wuollet, Jonas. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None. Resolution 24-69 adopted on a 5-aye, 0-nay, 0-absent, 0-abstain vote.
2020 Small Cities Development Program- Jessica Foley with DSI provided an overview of the program. Mayor Jonas opened the hearing at 6:48pm. After hearing no public comment the hearing was closed at 6:49pm. No action was taken following the hearing.
Ordinance Regulating Use of ATV- Chief Standafer provided background on the proposed ATV amendments. After hearing no public comment, the hearing was closed. A motion was made by Czycalla and seconded by Honsey to Adopt the Ordinance as presented.
CONSENT AGENDA: Mayor Jonas removed item E. A motion was made by Wuollet and
seconded by Honsey to adopt the consent agenda as presented. Items approved included:
A. Approve Auditing Claims
B. Approve Departments Reports
C. Approve Employment Anniversary
D. Approve Pay Apps
E. Approve Health Insurance Renewal
F. Approve Resolution 24-70 Approving Election Judges
G. Approve Fire Fighter Resignation- Dagner
H. Approve St. Ignatius Temporary Liquor License and Lawful Gambling Application
I. Approve Permanent PT Police Officer Position
J. Approve Midco Contract
K. Approve Resolution 24-71 Approving CUP- Backyard Automotive
L. Approve Zoning Ordinance Amendments- Cannabis
M. Approve Resolution 24-72 Approve Circle K Request
N. Approve Planning Commission Resignation
O. Approve Resolution 24-73 Accepting Donation
P. Approve Willow Park Tree and Stump Removal
Q. Approve Special Events
E. Approve Health Insurance- Tabled.
SCDP Grant Application- Jessica Foley with DSI reviewed the opportunity to apply for additional Small Cities Funds for housing and commercial rehab projects. Foley provided the outcome of the interest statements received from the community.
A motion was made by Honsey and seconded by Wuollet to move forward with the preliminary application to include owner occupied residential, rental residential and commercial. The motion was approved on a 3-0-2 vote with Grundy and Jonas abstaining.
A motion was made by Honsey and seconded by Czycalla to approve the Citizen Participation Plan as presented.
A motion was made by Wuollet and seconded by Honsey to Resolution 24-75 Identifying Slum and Blight Conditions. ROLL CALL: Ayes: Honsey, Czycalla, Grundy, Wuollet, Jonas. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None. Resolution 24-75 adopted on a 5-aye, 0-nay, 0-absent, 0-abstain vote.
A motion was made by Honsey and seconded by Czycalla to authorize the commitment of the $20,000 local match.
A motion was made by Czycalla and seconded by Honsey to authorize the mayor to sign the preliminary application.
Review Draft Cannabis Ordinance- council provided feedback on the proposed amendment and directed staff to consider amendments to the hours of operation and the fines to be consistent with liquor regulations and more information on temporary cannabis events.
Update on Nevens Avenue Utility Extension- Staff provided an update on an open house held with residents from the project area. There was interest expressed from residents to consider additional improvements. The next step would be to complete Facility Plans for each phase and submit to PFA for potential funding options. A motion was made by Czycalla and seconded by Honsey to authorize the facility plans for three phases of extending services along Nevens Avenue.
Purchase of Wetland Credits- A motion was made by Honsey and seconded by Czycalla to authorize the purchase of wetland credits as presented for the Poplar Realignment.
Call Special Meeting- A motion as made by Honsey and seconded by Czycalla to call a special meeting for Tuesday, October 22nd at 3pm.
Consider Sale of Land in Business Park- Mayor Jonas closed the meeting to discuss the sale of land. Mayor Jonas opened the public meeting at 8:01pm. A motion was made by Wuollet and seconded by Honsey to sell a lot in the Business Park to Northland Refrigeration with the option of a buyback discussed in the closed session. The motion failed on a 2-3 vote. A motion was made by Grundy and seconded by Czycalla to approve the sale of land to Northland Refrigeration without a buyback option discussed in closed session. The motion passed unanimously.
Townsend: Thanked John Dagner for his years of service.
Standefer: Department is getting ready for upcoming special events. Gave an update on the K-9 Kyro.
Grundy: Provided feedback from residents on the Bruggemann project. They were pleased to see the work from the contractor to keep the streets clean.
Honsey: Commented that she had received good feedback on the tree removal project now that trees are being replanted.
Moved by Honsey and seconded by Grundy to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM.
Kelly Hinnenkamp,
City Administrator

(published in the annandale advocate wednesday, december 18, 2024)

CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL: The City Council of Annandale, Minnesota met for a special meeting on October 22, 2024 at 3:00 pm at the Annandale Council Chambers. Mayor Jonas called the meeting to order at 3:00 pm.
City Council Present: Jonas, Czycalla, Honsey, Wuollet, Grundy. City Council members absent: None Also, present were Administrator Hinnenkamp, Chief Standafer.
All motions are approved unanimously unless otherwise noted.
Approve Appointment of Permanent PT Staff- A motion was made by Wuollet and seconded by Grundy to approve Lisic and Hokala to the position of Permanent Part Time Staff.
Approve Purchase Agreement with Northland Refrigeration- A motion was made by Czycalla and seconded by Grundy to approve the purchase agreement as presented.
Approve Resolution 24-76 Approving Summary Ordinance 419 and Resolution 24-77 Approving Summary Ordinance 420. ROLL CALL: Ayes: Honsey, Czycalla, Grundy, Wuollet, Jonas. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None. Resolution 24-76 and 24-77 adopted on a 5-aye, 0-nay, 0-absent, 0-abstain vote.
Review 2024 Audit Proposals- A motion was made by Jonas and seconded by Czycalla to approve the proposal from CDS.
Health Insurance- A motion was made by Wuollet and seconded by Czycalla to approve the 2025 Health Renewal to include the agent fee.
Motion was made by Grundy and seconded by Czycalla to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 3:51pm.
Kelly Hinnenkamp,
City Administrator

(published in the annandale advocate wednesday, december 18, 2024)

CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL: The City Council of Annandale, Minnesota, met for a regular meeting on November 12, 2024, at 6:30 PM at the City Council Chambers. Mayor Jonas called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM.
City Council Members present: Czycalla, Honsey, Wuollet, and Jonas. Members Absent: Grundy. Also present were Administrator Hinnenkamp, Police Chief Standafer, Fire Chief Townsend, Asst Engineer Nick Peterson, Carla Asfeld with GRRL, Jon Ferrell and the Annandale Advocate.
SET AGENDA: A motion was made by Honsey and seconded by Czycalla to adopt the agenda as presented. The motion carried unanimously.
All motions are approved unanimously unless otherwise noted.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion by Honsey and seconded by Czycalla to approve the minutes of September 9, 2024, October 14, 2024 and October 22, 2024.
Carla Asfeld with GRRL- Asfeld provided an annual report on the Library.
CONSENT AGENDA: A motion was made by Czycalla and seconded by Honsey to adopt the consent agenda as presented. Items approved included:
A. ApproveAuditingClaims
B. Approve Departments Reports
C. Approve Employment Anniversary
D. Approve Pay Apps
E. Approve Special Events- Main Street Holiday
F. Approve Calling Hearing Amending Fee Schedule
G. Approve Commission Renewal Terms
H. Approve Resolution Abating Assessment
I. Approve Canvassing of Votes of 2024 General Election
J. Appoint Park Commission Member- Lawler
Cannabis Ordinance Regulating Sales: Council reviewed the updated draft. A Motion was made by Czycalla and seconded by Wuollet to call a public hearing in December to receive feedback on the adoption of the proposed ordinance.
Resolution Awarding Contract- Poplar Realignment- Assistant Engineer Peterson presented the
bids. The item was tabled for further review of the funding for the project.
Consider Park Commission Recommendation Regarding Town Ball Field- Staff provided Council an update and recommendation from the Park Commission. Staff was directed to send to the Joint Powers Board.
Wright County Assessment Contract- A motion was made by Wuollet and seconded by Honsey to approve the Wright County Assessment Contract. The motion passed on a 3-0-1 vote with Czycalla abstaining from the vote.
Consider Authorizing Plans and Specifications for Reclaim/Overlay projects- Staff recommended Council consider authorizing plans and specifications for Morrison Avenue Street Improvements. A motion was made by Czycalla and seconded by Wuollet to authorize Bolton and Menk to prepare Plans and Specifications for the Street Improvements of Morrison Avenue.
Chief Townsend updated Council on the recent structure fire and shared that they have been contacted by the developer Perry Ryan to do a control burn of the house on his property.
Chief Standafer informed Council that his department will ensure the structure damaged in the fire is properly removed. He also informed Council that they are planning for the upcoming holiday events, they recently purchased a mobile speed sign, they are looking at the Capital Plan for the 2025 vehicle that is scheduled and informed Council that Nevens Avenue is in fairly poor condition.
Wuollet suggest staff look at the removal of tress to manage visibility on Nevens Avenue.
Moved by Czycalla and seconded by Honsey to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 PM.
Kelly Hinnenkamp,
City Administrator

(published in the annandale advocate wednesday, december 18, 2024)

Court File No. 86-PR-24-6460
Estate of Donald L. Sydow a/k/a Donald Lavern Sydow, Decedent
Notice is given that on February 3, 2025 at 9:00 am a hearing will be held remotely via Zoom in this Court at 3700 Braddock Avenue, Buffalo, Minnesota, for the adjudication of intestacy and determination of heirship of the Decedent, and for the appointment of James J. Peterson as Personal Representative of the Estate of the Decedent in an unsupervised administration. Any objections to the petition must be filed with the Court prior to or raised at the hearing. If proper and if no objections are filed or raised, the Personal Representative will be appointed with full power to administer the Estate, including the power to collect all assets, to pay all legal debts, claims, taxes and expenses, to sell real and personal property, and to do all necessary acts for the Estate. Please call Wright County Court Administration at 763-760-6300 for instructions for appearing remotely.
Notice is also given that (subject to Minnesota Statutes section 524.3-801) all creditors having claims against the Estate are required to present the claims to the Personal Representative or to the Court Administrator within four months after the date of this Notice or the claims will be barred.
Dated: 12/5/2024
BY THE COURTAfton Atkinson,
District Court Deputy
Attorney for Petitioner

Sheldon R. Brown
Young & Brown, LLC
63 Oak Ave S. P O Box 859
Annandale, MN, 55302
Attorney License No: 12154
Telephone: (320) 274-8221
FAX: (320) 274-3476

(published in the annandale advocate wednesday, december 18 and 25, 2024)

Court File No. 86-PR-24-6457
Estate of Joseph J. Reine
a/k/a Joseph John Reine, Decedent
Notice is given that on February 3, 2025 at 9:00 am a hearing will be held remotely via Zoom in this Court at 3700 Braddock Avenue, Buffalo, Minnesota, for the adjudication of intestacy and determination of heirship of the Decedent, and for the appointment of Steven W. Niklaus as Personal Representative of the Estate of the Decedent in an unsupervised administration. Any objections to the petition must be filed with the Court prior to or raised at the hearing. If proper and if no objections are filed or raised, the Personal Representative will be appointed with full power to administer the Estate, including the power to collect all assets, to pay all legal debts, claims, taxes and expenses, to sell real and personal property, and to do all necessary acts for the Estate. Please call Wright County Court Administration at 763-760-6300 for instructions for appearing remotely.
Notice is also given that (subject to Minnesota Statutes section 524.3-801) all creditors having claims against the Estate are required to present the claims to the Personal Representative or to the Court Administrator within four months after the date of this Notice or the claims will be barred.
Dated: 12/5/2024
Afton Atkinson,
District Court Deputy

Attorney for Petitioner
Sheldon R. Brown
Young & Brown, LLC
63 Oak Ave S. P O Box 859
Annandale, MN, 55302
Attorney License No: 12154
Telephone: (320) 274-8221
FAX: (320) 274-3476

(published in the annandale advocate wednesday, december 18 and 25, 2024)

Notice is hereby given that the Annandale City Council will hold a public hearing on Monday, January 13, 2025 at 6:30 PM or as soon thereafter as possible, at City Hall, 30 Cedar Street East to review a proposed ordinance adopting Rental Housing Maintenance Standards. All interested persons will be heard at this meeting, or you can send your written comments to the City Clerk’s office in advance of the hearing. Written or oral comments will be considered at the hearing.

(published in the annandale advocate wednesday, december 18, 2024)

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to qualified voters of Albion Township, Wright County, State of Minnesota.
Albion Township filing opens Tuesday December 31st, 2024, and closes Tuesday January 14th, 2025, at 5:00p.m. Call 612-716-0465 to request filing information. The filing fee is $2.00.
Filing is for the following offices:
Supervisor for a 3-year term, Seat B
Treasurer for a 2-year term.
The Clerk’s office will be open from 1p.m. to 5p.m. on Tuesday January 14th, 2025. The last date for a candidate to withdraw from the election is Thursday January 16th, 2025, by 5:00p.m.
Debbie Uecker
Albion Township Clerk
Posted December 9th, 2024

(published in the annandale advocate wednesday, december 18 and 25, 2024) 

Notice is hereby given to the qualified voters of French Lake Township, County of Wright, State of Minnesota, the filing period for the position of One (1) Township supervisor opens Tuesday, December 31st, 2024 and runs through 5:00 PM on Tuesday, January 14, 2025. This position is a 3-year term. This is the only elected official position on the ballot for the March 11th Township Elections in 2025. The Annual Meeting will immediately follow the election on March 11th, 2025 at 8:30 PM.
The Township Clerk can be reached by email  at by interested parties to file Affidavits of Candidacy during the filing dates.
Breanna Chapman
French Lake Township Clerk

(published in the annandale advocate wednesday, december 11, 18, and 25, 2024)