CITY OF ANNANDALE ELECTION JUDGES NEEDED The City is looking for individuals interested in serving as an election judge. It is required judges are at least 18 years of age. No prior experience is necessary- training will be provided by the Wright County and City of Annandale. If you are interested in serving as a judge, please contact City Hall at 320-274-3055 or submit your inquiry on the City’s website at w w w. a n n a n d a l e . m n . u s . (published in the annandale advocate, wednesday, nov. 20, 27 and dec. 4, 2019)
SOUTHSIDE TOWNSHIP CALL FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received until 3:00 p.m. Friday, November 29, 2019, at Clerk’s home, 1208 Lakeview Pkwy, Buffalo, MN for material and work to be done on township roads for 2019. Bids may also be emailed to: Equipment rental by the hour. Grading and snowplowing township roads by a motor grader up to 130-horsepower. Plowing snow with a truck. Cat / D8 or equivalent with dozer or scraper. — Please state size of scraper. Cad. D6 or equivalent with dozer or scraper. — Please state size of scraper. Bobcat work; backhoe work; 4 wheel drive loader — please state size. Sanding icy roads — Please state amount for sand and truck. Monthly minimum flat rate fee — November — April -if monthly plowing and maintenance work does not exceed minimum set the balance will be paid as a flat rate to meet the minimum flat rate fee. Material — Class 5 crushed gravel — Please state price per yard spread. Pit run gravel — Please state price per yard spread. Fill for washouts — Please state price per yard spread. Chainsaw work, brush cutting and removal — Price per hour. Bidders must show proof of insurance not less than $500,000. Southside Township reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Bids will be opened December 3, 2019 7:00 p.m. Carmen Merrill, Clerk / Treas Southside Township (published in the annandale advocate, wednesday, nov. 20 and 27, 2019)
CORINNA TOWNSHIP NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the Corinna Township Planning Commission / Board of Adjustment will convene on Tuesday December 10, 2019 at 7:00 PM at Corinna Town Hall, 9801 Ireland Ave, Annandale to conduct the following public hearing(s): Any tabled items from previous meetings that have provided the required information. Requests related to the construction of a new septic system drainfield to serve an existing cabin. Approvals required include variances for a Type 3/4 septic system drainfield to be approx. 3 feet from the south side lot line (min. 10 feet required), 4.9 feet from an existing garage on the property and 9 feet from an existing garage on the adjacent property to the south (min. 20 feet required), and 10 feet from the surface of a township road. Applicant: John and Janet Gibson. Property address: 11053 Lawrence Ave NW, Annandale. Sec / Twp / Range: 6-121-27. Parcel number( s): 206000064411. Requests related to the construction of a 3.3 ft x 12 ft (40 square foot) dwelling addition to an existing dwelling. Approvals required include a variance to construct a dwelling addition approx. 8-9 feet from a side lot line (min. 15 feet required), 48 feet from Sugar Lake and attached to a dwelling that is approx. 38 feet from Sugar Lake (min. 75 feet required) on a parcel that currently contains about 32% impervious coverage (max. 25% allowed). Applicant intends to have a net reduction in impervious coverage as a result of the project. Property Owner: Randy Maanum. Property address: 10973 Lawrence Ave NW, Annandale. Sec / Twp / Range: 7-121-27. Parcel number( s): 206034000350. Measurements and details of requests, including variances or other approvals needed, are approximate and / or subject to change. All interested persons are invited to attend these hearings and be heard or send written comments to Corinna Township Zoning Administrator, 9801 Ireland Ave, Annandale, MN 55302. Application information and a staff report are available for viewing at (staff report typically 5-7 days prior to the hearing date). A quorum of the Town Board may be present at the meeting, but will not hold deliberations or make any decisions. Corinna Township Planning Commission / Board of Adjustment Dated: November 22, 2019 Hometown Planning, Zoning Administrator Corinna Township (published in the annandale advocate, wednesday, nov. 27, 2019)
STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WRIGHT DISTRICT COURT TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT Case Type: Quiet Title Court File No. 86-CV-19-6007 Julie A. Schlueter as the personal representative of the Estate of Glen Arthur Zdrazil, Plaintiff, v. Peter Bartling, Linda L. Bartling, Jay A. Scheffler, Jerry L. Olson, Marsha J. Olson, French Lake Township, County of Wright, State of Minnesota, also all other persons unknown claiming any right, title, estate, interest, or lien in the real estate described in the complaint herein, Defendants. SUMMONS THIS SUMMONS IS DIRECTED TO THE ABOVE-NAMED DEFENDANTS. 1. YOU ARE BEING SUED. The Plaintiff has started a lawsuit against you. The Plaintiff’s Complaint against you is on file in the office of the court administrator of the abovenamed court, or attached hereto if you are served personally. Do not throw these papers away. They are official papers that affect your rights. You must respond to this lawsuit even though it may not yet be filed with the Court and there may be no court file number on this Summons. 2. YOU MUST REPLY WITHIN 20 DAYS TO PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS. You must give or mail to the person who signed this summons a written response called an Answer within 20 days of the date on which you received this Summons. You must send a copy of your Answer to the person who signed this Summons located at: Anthony D. Johnson, Esq. Libby Law Office, P.A. 855 Rice Street, Suite 100 St. Paul, MN 55117 3. YOU MUST RESPOND TO EACH CLAIM. The Answer is your written response to the Plaintiff’s Complaint. In your Answer you must state whether you agree or disagree with each paragraph of the Complaint. If you believe the Plaintiff should not be given everything asked for in the Complaint, you must say so in your Answer. 4. YOU WILL LOSE YOUR CASE IF YOU DO NOT SEND A WRITTEN RESPONSE TO THE COMPLAINT TO THE PERSON WHO SIGNED THIS SUMMONS. If you do not answer within 20 days, you will lose this case. You will not get to tell your side of the story, and the Court may decide against you and award the Plaintiff everything asked for in the Complaint. If you do not want to contest the claims stated in the Complaint, you do not need to respond. A default judgment can then be entered against you for the relief requested in the Complaint. 5. LEGAL ASSISTANCE. You may wish to get legal help from a lawyer. If you do not have a lawyer, the Court Administrator may have information about places where you can get legal assistance. Even if you cannot get legal help, you must still provide a written Answer to protect your rights or you may lose the case. 6. ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION. The parties may agree to or be ordered to participate in an alternative dispute resolution process under Rule 114 of the Minnesota General Rules of Practice. You must still send your written response to the Complaint even if you expect to use alternative means of resolving this dispute. 7. THIS LAWSUIT AFFECTS OR BRINGS INTO QUESTION TITLE TO REAL PROPERTY located in Wright County, State of Minnesota, legally described as follows: That part of Government Lot 3, Section 14, Township 120, Range 28, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of Government Lot 5 of said Section 14; thence South 67 degrees 55 minutes 07 seconds East, assuming the West line of said Government Lot 5 bears North 00 degrees 46 minutes 15 seconds East, a distance of 2138.77 feet; thence North 76 degrees 55 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 1177.07 feet; thence North 17 degrees 02 minutes 34 seconds West, a distance of 542.01 feet; thence South 67 degrees 43 minutes 01 seconds West, a distance of 272.27 feet to the point of beginning; thence continue South 67 degrees 43 minutes 01 seconds West, a distance of 65.39 feet; thence North 16 degrees 05 minutes 39 seconds West, a distance of 233 feet to the shoreline of French Lake; thence Northeasterly along said shoreline to a line that bears North 16 degrees 07 minutes 25 seconds West from the point of beginning; thence South 16 degrees 07 minutes 25 seconds East, a distance of 235 feet to the point of beginning. The object of this action is to obtain a judgment declaring that Mark R. Manthey is the owner in fee of the property described above, reforming the historical legal description of the property to the above legal description, and declaring that the defendants have no right, title, estate, interest, or lien in or upon said real estate. Notice is further given that no personal claim is made by Plaintiff against any of the Defendants. Dated: October 31, 2019. LIBBY LAW OFFICE, P.A. By:/s/ Anthony D. Johnson Anthony D. Johnson (#0386785) 855 Rice Street, Suite 100 St. Paul, MN 55117 Telephone: 651-487-1208 Facsimile: 651-487-0662 Attorneys for Plaintiff (published in the annandale advocate, wednesday, nov. 27, dec. 4 and 11, 2019)
STATE OF MINNESOTA SECRETARY OF STATE CERTIFICATE OF ASSUMED NAME MINNESOTA STATUTES CHAPTER 333 Assumed Name: Freight Control Consultants Principal Place of Business: 11466 Klever avenue NW, Annandale MN 55302 United States Nameholder(s): Name: Freight Control Consultants Address: 11466 Klever avenue NW, Annandale MN 55302 United States By typing my name, I, the undersigned, certify that I am signing this document as the person whose signature is required, or as agent of the person(s) whose signature would be required who has authorized me to sign this document on his / her behalf, or in both capacities. I further certify that I have completed all required fields, and that the information in this document is true and correct and in compliance with the applicable chapter of Minnesota Statutes. I understand that by signing this document I am subject to the penalties of perjury as set forth in Section 609.48 as if I had signed this document under oath. Signed by: Ryan Connelly Filed: October 28, 2019 (published in the annandale advocate, wednesday, nov. 27 and dec. 4, 2019)